You'll now see DAVE, and you'll see the Variant Editor.ĭAVE, DAtabase Visual Editor, is the tool most will be using, it's the tool that let's us do the most common modding, editing the database. You'll get a DirectX choice for the tools rendering, largely unimportant. The only dropdown useful to us is "Tools". Start by opening up, you'll noticed a big blank grey screen, with a menu strip at the top. Raw Data -> Your Editing Happens -> Then You Export Working Data -> You Build Your Pack -> You Now Have Your Mod (.pack file) -> Upload Mod -> MODDING GLORY AWAITS By raw data I mean XML files that hold all of the games database. The main idea is you edit raw data with TWeak. With the Assembly Kit you edit the files you need to in TWeak, then in BOB you select the files to go into your pack. With the PFM you usually select what files are going in your pack, then you edit them, save pack. For those of you who have used the PFM to mod before, a lot of the principles are very similar, but in some ways reversed. The workflow may seem daunting at first, but it is very simple once you understand it. You'll be using TWeak to do the editing, for example editing a units stats. The executables are located in the " Total War Rome II\assembly_kit\binaries" folder and are named:

I don't know why it isn't and personally it upsets me that it isn't.) (BOB stands for 'Build On One Button', and should theoretically be called BOOB. You'll be working with two programs primarily, TWeak and BOB. Scroll down to the "Total War: Rome II - Assembly Kit", right click it and install. Go into your Steam "Library", in the dropdown select "Tools".

Basically just the introduction you might need to jump in and use the tools.ĭon't be put off by the size of this guide, it's easy to follow and there may be a lot of words but this is because I've tried to make it understandable by everybody, from beginners to existing modders. It will give you a run down on how the tools work and the main workflow when using them. This is a basic guide to the main areas of the current () Assembly Kit from CA.