Apparently, the developers decided that it was easier to just give the Gold Dragon a selection of earth-type spells rather than try to explain some kind of rock-breath. Breath Weapon: A stable of the game's various Dragons, of course, but many other monsters have them as well.Needless to say this tends to be a One-Hit Kill against all, but the most overwhelming enemies. A max level sacrifice increases the resulting attacks power by a terrifying 450%. Blood Magic: The Archdemon's signature Sacrifice spell which kills one of your own monsters not currently in the battle to power up an already insanely powerful attack.The two main variants are a Giant Turtle, and an Unhappy Bird.

Lots of tough enemies use them by the dozen, because - unlike you - they don't have to worry about fighting their way through a long dungeon to get to the battle. They invariably hit the entire enemy party for a crapload of damage. Action Bomb: Several monsters have powerful Self-Destruct techniques.More interestingly, you'll start to get an uncomfortable feeling that you might not be quite the hero the game's simplistic premise would suggest. Along the way, you'll discover that your father isn't actually dead - which would qualify as a spoiler if it was at all surprising or important. The game's Excuse Plot centers around a young, recently-minted Monster Trainer ( that's you), who has decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a master. Also like Megami Tensei, it borrows liberally from real-world mythology to fill its burgeoning monsterpedia - over 200 monsters available as of the latest update. While touted in several reviews as being a Pokemon-game for your smartphone, in truth it has more in common with the Dragon Quest Monsters series (including a very Dragon Quest-ish combat-system) or the Shin Megami Tensei games (monsters tend more towards Cosmic Horror and less towards Ridiculously Cute Critter, use of Monster Fusion). Dragon Island Blue is a Mons game for the iPhone.