Your Windows 10 icons may be hidden, the second step you can take is to show desktop icons in Windows 10 through Settings. Fix Windows Desktop Icons Missing by Checking Desktop Icon Settings If you even can’t right-click the desktop, you can continue to check other ways below. Then check if you get all missing desktop icons back. Navigate and check if the option Show desktop icons are ticked, if not, make it ticked. After you click View tab, you can see several options for managing desktop icons. Right-click the empty space on Windows 10 computer screen and click View option. You can restore desktop icons Windows 10 by enabling Show desktop icons. Windows 10 desktop icons missing issue may be caused by accidentally hiding desktop icons. Turn on Show Desktop Icons to Unhide All Desktop Icons Windows 10 How to Fix Windows 10 Desktop Icons Missing/Disappeared An ultimate data recovery guide is also attached to help you recover possible lost files on Windows 10 PC for free. If you start your Windows 10 computer and find all desktop icons in your Windows 10 computer are disappeared, and don’t know how to fix it, check these 8 ways below to restore desktop icons Windows 10 and show desktop Windows 10 icons. Why are my desktop icons not showing up?.How do I get my desktop icons back on Windows 10?.Why did my icons disappear from my desktop Windows 10?.Some of you may encounter “Windows 10 desktop icons missing” issue like below. Fix “Can’t Move Desktop Icons on Windows 10”.

Icons Disappeared from Taskbar Windows 10 Solved.Perform a System Restore to Show Desktop Windows 10 Reset this PC to Fix Windows 10 Icons Missing Run CHKDSK to Fix Windows 10 Desktop Icons Missing How to Recover Missing Desktop Files in Windows 10.Run SFC Scannow to Fix Windows 10 Desktop Icons Missing Issue Turn off the Tablet Mode to Show Desktop Icons If you are experiencing the “Windows 10 desktop icons missing/disappeared” issue and don’t know what causes this, you can check the 8 ways in this post to fix Windows 10 desktop icons missing problem and recover the possible lost data and files for free.